botinfoDisplay information about the bot.
inviteGenerate an invite link for the bot.
helpShow help information.
pingCheck the bot's latency.
uptimeDisplay how long the bot has been online.
userinfoShow information about a user.
profileiconGrab the profile and icon from a user.
benCustom command description here.
spotifyShow currently playing Spotify song.
avatarShow the user's avatar.
bannerShow the user's banner.
siconShow the server's icon.
sbannerShow the server's banner.
splashShow the server's splash screen.
addmultipleAdd multiple users to a role.
addemojiAdd a custom emoji to the server.
emojilistList all emojis in the server.
enlargeEnlarge an emoji.
getbotinviteGet an invite link for the bot.
boostersList all server boosters.
webshotTake a screenshot of a website.
tiktokDownload a TikTok video.
translateTranslate text to another language.
serverShow server information.
afkSet or remove your AFK status.
pastusernamesShow a user's past usernames.
blackteaWord game description here.
roleAssign or remove a role from a user.
lockLock a channel to prevent messages.
unlockUnlock a previously locked channel.
untimeoutRemove a timeout from a user.
banBan a user from the server.
unbanUnban a user from the server.
kickKick a user from the server.
slowmodeSet the slow mode in a channel.
autoresponderManage autoresponder settings.
jailJail a user.
roleallAssign a role to all users.
lastfmLastFM commands description here.
nowplayingShow the currently playing track.
lastfm customcommandCustom LastFM command description here.
topartistsShow top artists from LastFM.
topalbumsShow top albums from LastFM.
globalwhoknowsShow who knows a song globally.
whoknowsShow who knows a song in the server.
lastfm removeRemove LastFM account association.